Would you like to:

 Start up & run your own beautiful, authentic, baby music classes?  Be the first person in your area to offer classes full of developmental opportunities for both babies & adults?

Or maybe you would love to understand more about how to use music to support infant development, bonding & maternal wellbeing so you can infuse that knowledge & skills into your existing baby class business or offer a new class?

➔ Build a career you love & provides a good income?

➔ And have the family friendly work life balance you want?

 If you've answered YES to these questions then I'm really pleased you are here.  

I'm Elizabeth, the founder of Nurture Sounds & I'm the woman who created the brand new modality - Developmental Music Classes for Babies, that is at the very heart of The Baby Music Class Method.

I've been running award winning baby & toddler classes for 20+ years and I wanted to write the The Baby Music Class Method Course so I can share my knowledge, skills and experiences with women just like you, so you too can build your own successful baby music class businesses and live the life you want.  

Hello lovely, like you, I know how it feels to want to start and run beautiful music classes for babies and parents.  Classes that felt authentically me and which were only limited by my own creativity.  Classes which supported babies and women in that amazing first year.

I promise you this is absolutely possible with the Nurture Sounds Baby Music Class Method


Challenging Perceptions - What is Developmental Music?

Developmental Music is at the very heart of The Baby Music Class Method but what is it?  Quite simply it is a brand new baby class modality, a fusion of music, music making, song, rhyme, baby massage, baby yoga, yoga and mindfulness and it is unique to Nurture Sounds.

We're on a mission to change the way that baby music classes are valued and perceived. We get asked a lot 'what is the difference between a 'baby music class' and a 'developmental music class' as at first glance they are the same - after in both there's singing, instruments, music, bubbles .......

The simple answer is that in a Developmental Music Class every single activity, every piece of music is specifically chosen to support either an area of early infant development, bonding or maternal well-being and classes are taught by trained, Nurture Sounds accredited practitioners. 

At Nurture Sounds we recognise, understand and believe that meaningful music making

  • Supports every single area of a baby's development in the first year of life
  • Supports bonding
  • Supports maternal wellbeing
  • Builds communities

Developmental Music teachers are intentional with musical choices and explain why and how an activity is supporting either developmental, bonding or maternal wellbeing goals. Classes are baby led and tend to be smaller in size and can last up to 90 minutes. 

We love to sing with people. We want babies to enjoy music and time with their parents, luxuriate in the sensory world we create for them but we are always very careful to avoid sensory overwhelm - these are not classes full of props and lights.

We may choose to use a pre-recorded soundtrack or we may sing unaccompanied throughout or a mix of both but we always make sure there are opportunities for babies to find their voices and really hear the voices of their parents.  We love rhymes but we also want parents to feel the joy of being surrounded by music they love.  

As a business, our mission is for babies and parents across the globe to have the opportunity to experience meaningful, developmentally appropriate music making full of joy and love.

We know that as soon as parents experience your Baby Music Classes delivered using the Baby Music Class Method they tell their friends fuelling demand for these gorgeous Developmental Music classes

But how exactly do you do it, start your own beautiful Baby Music classes without joining a franchise to get training and support?   

It's actually a lot easier to set up independent baby music classes than you think - what you really need is training and support.  Training specifically written for women who want to work flexibly around their families by someone who's done exactly that.  Training and support to guide you through the what's, why's and how's and you'll get the result you want.  

That's what The Baby Music Class Method Course does, it's why I wrote it.  It could be said that I wrote this course for me back in 2006 who had no idea where to start even, she just knew she wanted to do it.  This course is unique and at its heart is the first accredited Diploma course in Developmental Music Classes for Babies in the World!

The proven Nurture Sounds Baby Music Class Method Model

This model has been tried, tested & refined by me so I know all the methodologies, lesson plans & music I share work

One off Investment

Nurture Sounds is a Training business not a franchise so there are NO ongoing royalty or licence fees. 

No Territory restrictions

Run classes where you want to run them, in the venues you love


Qualify in just 9 weeks

The course is available 24/7 on demand, with lifetime access & if you can find just 2 -4 hours a week to study, you could complete it in just 9 weeks

Freedom & Creativity

You have full creative freedom to make your classes your own.  You can use music you love, use our lesson plans or create your own from day 1.  

Ongoing Training & Support

You can access a weekly group coaching session, monthly live training and our closed community for as long as you want at no additional cost.

Danielle - Student

I decided to invest in Nurture Sounds training because I wanted to start a baby music class.  I’m a busy mum with two very young children and I already run my own baby class business so I just didn’t have time to find the music and research the topic.   I’d just about given up thinking about this class when I saw the Baby Music Class Method and thought what have I got to lose!  I’m now 6 months after completing the course & it has changed my entire business.  I now run busy Developmental Music classes & have introduced music into every single one of my classes which has had a massive impact on class fill.  I’m more present with my girls as I don’t have endless hours of lesson planning & the Nurture Sounds launch method has transformed my life, so easy now.  Thank you

Want to know why you've probably not already started your classes? What's been STOPPING you?

You've been stuck, feeling deflated because

➔ You've looked at franchises but they are financially unaffordable 

➔ You discovered you won't have full creative freedom joining a franchise. You'd have to use their creative content, their lesson plans, music etc and that's not you

➔ You've tried starting alone but it was lonely & you got stuck - perhaps writing lesson plans & sourcing music was a lot harder than you thought it would be

➔ You don't know where to even start & wonder if it's even possible for a busy mum?

This course gets amazing results because:

➔ It is written by someone who choose to make her career teaching award winning, independent baby & toddler classes for over for over 20 years & loved it

➔ The Nurture Sounds Baby Music Class Method works - it's tried and very tested

➔ It's not just lesson plans & music - this transformational training will help you understand the how's & why's of running a business & teaching classes

➔ You are not alone.  You've got me & the wider Nurture Sounds closed community of students and practitioners

And what about the 3 common myths that
will keep you from starting?

You have to buy a Franchise to get training

This used to be true but not anymore!  Nurture Sounds specialises in training women who want to teach baby classes and is the first training company in the world to offer an accredited Level 3 Diploma in Developmental Music Classes.  This means you are training to gain a recognised qualification.  

 It's lonely running your own independent business & there's no support 

Not when you train with Nurture Sounds! You'll have me, weekly live group coaching & the Nurture Sounds Community private Facebook group full of people just like you who are starting & building businesses, running classes & understand

You have to be a qualified teacher to lead baby classes 

Absolutely not!  Teaching children and teaching baby classes are two very different things.  This course will guide you through how to manage classes, which delivery style to use & when & even how to manage tricky situations ie chatty mums!

Imagine what it will feel like as:

  • Your inbox & DMs are flooded with enquiries from new mums asking about your classes because you are the go to class in your community
  • You make a real difference to the lives of babies and new parents in your community.
  • You enjoy more quality time with your family - you work the hours/days that work for you
  • You naturally and expertly teach your baby music classes no longer feeling nervous about how to manage a class
  • Your confidence and self-esteem soar as you build a sustainable, authentic, beautiful business under your own brand

What would it be worth to you, to know that your 'job' is full of joy, love, fun, music, gorgeous babies and is making a real difference to new parents in your community?  

Here's what these classes have meant to mums in my Developmental Music Classes

I loved these classes.  The mama stretches were the first things I'd done which focused on me for a long time.

These classes provided a cosy and relaxing space to teach us baby music, a lovely hot drink and something to eat, and also just time to chat to other mums - something that I’ve felt like there has never really been time for in other baby classes. It really was wonderful

And here's what studying this course has meant to two of my students 

Developmental Music classes are so special! I feel like they pull everything together - baby development and mama wellness all in one. I wish these sessions had been around when I was on maternity leave  

I have had a great time training with Nurture Sounds.  The content is interesting & engaging, particularly with Elizabeth's helpful & personable approach.  It has helped make the entire learning experience enjoyable & effective

By the end of The Baby Music Class Method Course you'll be able to:

  • Run Baby Music Classes for babies aged 0 - 12 months using the Baby Music Class Method
  • Start up and run a beautiful baby class business under your own brand
  • Start building a family friendly career you love and am proud of

Let's take a look at what's inside the Course, what will you be learning?

Module 1: Get Started

  • How to study the Baby Music Class Method
  • Discover what the Baby Music Class Method is & why Developmental Music Classes are such a powerful new modality
  • Gain an overview of Professionalism and Ethics
  • Practitioner Skill Set - what are the practical and emotional skills needed to be a successful baby music teacher? 

Module 2: Music Matters

  • Refresh your knowledge of human anatomy and physiology
  • Gain an overview of infant development 0 - 12 months
  • Discover how the Baby Music Class Method supports baby development and maternal wellbeing
  • Learn exactly what a developmental music class is and how they benefit babies and parents
  • Learn the physical and wellbeing benefits of music and singing

Module 3: The Baby Music Class Method

  • Learn how to use the Baby Music Class Method lesson plans and how to create your own lesson plans using the Nurture Sounds Core Flow Plan
  • Learn how to use the Baby Class Method to teach THREE different classes from day 1  
    • Baby Love Club (0- 6 months)
    • Discover (6 months - 1 yr)
    • Together (0 - 12 months)
  • Learn how to deliver and teach the 21 elements of the Baby Music Class Method - ie the songs, the actions, the stretches, Baby Brain Build, Movement, Mama Mindfulness

 Module 4: Your Classes, Your Choice

  • Identify which age range you want to run classes for ie 0 - 12 months, 0-6 months, 6 - 12 months
  • How to use your personal, authentic Sound
  • How to set class times
  • Choosing your equipment ie instruments, mats, Treasure Baskets, Listening Cloths
  • How to set up your Room Scape
  • Theming Classes - Pros & Cons
  • Cancelling Classes

Module 5: Leading with Love & Confidence

  •  Learn how and when to use different delivery styles
  •  Discover how to look after yourself - Practitioner Wellbeing
  •  Explore how to manage classes day to day ie how to deal with chatty parents, crying babies
  •  Case Studies - what do you need to do and why?

Module 6: Business in a Box

  • Learn how to set up your business so it is operating legally ie what legislation do you need to comply with?
  • Choosing your business name
  • Choosing Venues & setting Class Times
  •  Branding
  •  Pricing
  •  Finding Customers
  •  Love your Launches
  •  Additional Income Streams

Certificate as a qualified baby music teacher

* PLUS *

I'm going to throw in some BONUSES to ensure you start your new business strong

Bonus One

A gorgeous Nurture Sounds Sensory Parachute with Ribbons (UK only)

Bonus Two

60 minute personal coaching call with Elizabeth James to help you start a strong, authentic business, 

Bonus Three

Done for you social media templates to get your new business up & running quickly without spending hours on Canva

Bonus FOUR

Professionally composed and recorded instrumental MP4 music downloads including a 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' song you won't find on streaming services

Here's what's included in
The Baby Music Class Method Course

With this Course you'll get:

1. Diploma in Developmental Music Classes for Babies 0- 12 months  (Value £1997)

2. BONUS 1! A Nurture Sounds Rainbow Sensory Parachute with Ribbons (Value £95) UK ONLY

3. BONUS 2! 60 minute personal coaching call with Elizabeth James to help you start a strong, authentic business (Value £130)

4. BONUS 3!Done for you Social Media Templates (Value £97)

5. BONUS 4!50 Music MP4 downloads (Value £500)



  Total Value = (£2819)  



Single Payment - SAVE £85 - BIGGEST SAVING


Pay via Visa/Klarna/Clearpay/Paypal


Pay £97 Today

Then Five more Payments of £97 per month


Be honest with yourself .....

This course is for you if you are a woman who 

➔ Wants to work flexibly around your family?

➔ Is interested in baby development & supporting new parents?

➔ Loves music & has a tuneful singing voice?

➔ Has the drive & determination to build your own beautiful business & career?

➔ Is ready to do the work it takes to get the results you want?

This course is not for you if

➔ You are not prepared to do the work

➔ You don't want to run a business under your own brand

➔ You don't really want to work with babies & new parents, supporting them & playing & singing your days away

➔ You don't want to run a class that needs you to sing, not just use pre-recorded tracks

➔ You don't want to ever create your own lesson plans, explore your own creativity and vision

➔ You want to learn new skills and content to add into a franchise offer or training school 

Still Got Questions?

No problem - check out the most frequently asked ones below...

Are you ready to invest in your family's future?


Or are you still on the fence?

I’m guessing it’s not the £497 that’s stopping you from joining me inside the Baby Music Class Method Course.

It’s the worry that you might not have the time to complete the course at this point.

I want to chat with you honestly about that feeling of not having enough time because I’ve felt that too.

When I first decided to start my boys were small & life was busy from dawn to dusk.   I used to grab an hour here and there scribbling down my ideas on the back of envelopes!

I told myself ....... there wasn't time ...... I didn't know enough .... I didn't have enough money ...... it would be easier to start when they were a bit bigger.  

Basically I told myself that 'when' I knew more, had more time, money and knowledge, I’d get started properly

But waiting for the stars to align didn’t get me the money we needed & the work life balance I craved so I just went for it & found the time, just a couple of hours a week was enough to get it all going.

And that’s when the magic started.

So if you’re sitting here now, waiting for the right time, let this be your permission to go for it and start the baby music class business you dream off, make it a reality.

I'll see you on the inside!
👉 Yes! I'm Ready 👈

Are you ready to invest in yourself & your future?

Still on the fence?

I’m guessing it’s not the £497 that’s stopping you from joining me inside the Baby Music Class Method

It’s the worry that you might not have the time to complete the course at this point.

I want to chat with you honestly about that feeling of not having enough time because I’ve felt that too.  

When I first decided to start my boys were small & life was busy from dawn to dusk.   I used to grab an hour here and there scribbling down my ideas on the back of envelopes!

I told myself ....... there wasn't time ...... I didn't know enough .... I didn't have enough money ...... it would be easier to start when they were a bit bigger.  

Basically I told myself that 'when' I knew more, had more time, money and knowledge, I’d get started properly

But waiting for the stars to align didn’t get me the money we needed & the work life balance I craved so I just went for it & found the time, just a couple of hours a week was enough to get it all going.

And that’s when the magic started.  

So if you’re sitting here now, waiting for the right time, let this be your permission to go for it and start the baby music classes and business you dream off, make it a reality.

I'll see you on the inside!

👉 Yes! I'm Ready