Hi, I'm Elizabeth, 

I help women to start and run Baby Music or Multi Sensory Baby Development Classes and I am the designer of a range of products for Baby and Toddler classes including Sensory Parachutes with Ribbons and Scrunchy/Stretchy Bands.  

Nice to meet you! 

I'm a mum of 3, a classically trained musician, Montessori Directress and trained Baby Massage and Baby Yoga Teacher.

I have written and led Baby Music, Baby Development, Baby Massage and Baby Yoga classes for over 20 years but if I'm honest I still feel a bit awkward being the centre of attention as I'm naturally shy.  For me it's always been how I could use my skills and knowledge about how music can be used to support baby development and maternal wellbeing and building communities rather than the performance. 

So whilst, perhaps I'm not an average baby class leader, I AM a Baby Music and Baby Development Expert AND I'm an expert in training and supporting women to start, run and scale Baby Music or Multi Sensory Baby Development classes that are authentically them and fit around their family or other commitments.  

I've taught thousands of classes, supported thousands of new parents and am a passionate and serial entrepreneur.  

I have built two multi award winning baby and toddler class businesses from scratch as a busy mum of 3 and another 3 businesses which were financially lucrative but didn't make my heart sing long term.

I've learnt that businesses succeed when they are authentic, aligned with your values, infused with your creativity and passion.  Who'd have thought eh!

When we try and be someone else, create classes that are like everyone else's, it doesn't work. But when we show up as with integrity and authenticity and focus on our talents, what we can do, our passions, what makes our hearts sing, we succeed. 

This is what I want for you - the confidence to be you and succeed on your own terms.  

My businesses have enabled me to create a life of freedom, happiness, joy and I want the same for you.

My mission, my goal is to expand opportunities for people to train to run baby classes for babies and parents across the globe.  I want to support women as they train and fall in love with running baby classes so they can create the income, freedom and impact they really want.